Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ok, ok I suck at this blog thing but I am working on it. I need to get a few more lessons from somebody who knows how to load pictures the painless way. Fall is defenitley here in Pittsburgh and the leaves are absolutely gorgeous here. Yesterday was our one year wedding anniversary!! It's hard to believe that over the course of the last two years we moved to Portland, got married, and now moved to Pittsburgh. I keep telling myself that all of these things are great life experiences and will only make for more interesting stories to tell our children someday. We celebrated with the champagne from our wedding and we our going to go out to dinner this coming Saturday since Chris is quite busy with school this week. Things just keep getting busier for him. The pictures I posted were taken at Fallingwater, it's the name of a Frank Lloyd Wright house here in PA that was built for the owners of Kaufmann's department store. The house is basically built on a hillside with a water fall flowing around it. The scenery was amazing and it was the perfect time of year to go as you can see by all the colors of the leaves. Chris was unable to go with me because of studying but I am trying to not let that hold me back from seeing all of these famous attractions that we are so close to. Hopefully on Saturday we are going to visit the Carnegie museum of national history here in Pittsburgh.

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