Tuesday, December 2, 2008


AHH!! It's the dreaded time of year for students, finals! I have to say I'm glad it's him and not me. I don't miss those days of studying for 12 hours a day and only taking breaks to go eat. Chris has his finals on Dec 10th and 11th so everyone wish him lots of luck. It will be a milestone for us to get through this first semester. It's hard to believe we are going on 4 months of being here and it's been an eventful time for the both of us. Our friends who graduated from the program last December say it only gets harder from here. Oh boy I can't wait to see what that is going to bring. In fact Chris has been doing so much studying and reading that he has earned reading glasses. It is still awkward walking by an operating room and seeing my husband put people off to sleep but I am sure I will get used to it soon.