Sunday, November 23, 2008


Well it's been a while since I last posted so here are some pictures of us from the Steeler vs Colt's game we went to. Chris had planned and paid for all of it long before we moved here so it was a big deal for him and not very many people can say they have been to a Pittsburgh Steeler game. They don't call it Steeler Nation for nothing. For most of the people who live here it's there life and it's about the only topic of conversation at work so I always cross my fingers for them to win on Sunday's so people are in a good mood on Monday. We lucked out big time because after we went to this game the temperatures have dropped significantly. Yesterday the high was 25 degrees and we have had snow off and on all week. They are forecasting snow for Thanksgiving so we will see if that holds true. Chris has started clinical now two days a week at my hospital which is going well for him. It's very weird to see him in my work environment since this is the first time we have ever worked in the same department. We are making a small Thanksgiving dinner here so hopefully the turkey turns out good! We would have gone to New Jersey this year but Chris has way too much to do before finals which are the second week in December. As for me I'm still trying to make friends here and settle into my new job. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Anniversary

So this is a little late but none of the pictures that we took of us that night turned out that well so here is the dessert we had!.. We splurged and went out to a nice restaurant in downtown Pittsburgh to celebrate. Our dinners were very good and we had a nice bottle of wine. I can't believe it's already been a year!!

Happy Halloween!

I'm getting better at this blog thing!! Chris and I were invited to a Halloween party by one of his classmates. It was nice to get out and socialize with other people. If you couldn't figure it out by the pictures, Chris was Richard Simmons and I was the trainee. Everybody loved our costumes, however a lot of people thought I was dressed up as a pregnant lady-- NO THANKS! At least not right now. I wish I could tell you all about the exciting things we have been doing but it's just been everyday life around here. The weather is getting cold here, we got some snow but it didn't stick and the high the other day was 35 degrees, BRR!! I'm trying to get back into my Montana/Idaho mindset but that year and a half in Oregon spoiled me. Tomorrow is Chris' first day of clinical he is going to be at my hospital first so that ought to be interesting. I keep reminding myself we almost have one semester down....YEAH!!